Boinc Workshop 2018

Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Boinc Workshop 2018

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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 88837 - Posted: 9 May 2018, 7:40:13 UTC

Boinc Workshop

Just to follow up on David Andersons post we are excited to be hosting the BOINC workshop this year and hope for a packed agenda showcasing the work that BOINC enables as well as the innovate contributions from the projects, particularly where there are project specific customisations that without sharing in an event such as this would not be reused.

We invite attendees to participate in the organisation of the event through contributions to talks that are science focused on day 1, technically focused on day 2 and can be as technical as the contributor wants for day 3. During the forth day BOINC strategy day we will discuss how we can ensure that we will see BOINC thriving 10 years from now.

So please remember to register here;

As part of the registration process nearer the event we will contact all attendees to ask about contributions they may wish to make as talks or organisation of sessions on the Hackday.



I hope a guy (or two) from R@H will participate...
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Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Boinc Workshop 2018

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