VirtualBox jobs require hardware acceleration support

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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 102672 - Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 8:12:03 UTC
Last modified: 18 Sep 2021, 8:12:17 UTC

My principal pc (Ryzen 3600) has problem to download the virtualbox jobs, so i try with my old notebook (Core I7 4710MQ) on which i run correctly some virtual machines (linux boxes for other purpose).
Now i have this error:

Message from server: VirtualBox jobs require hardware acceleration support. Your processor does not support the required instruction set.

Which "instruction set"??
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Profile dcdc

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Message 102683 - Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 12:03:44 UTC
Last modified: 18 Sep 2021, 12:51:36 UTC

Might you just need to turn on virtualization acceleration in the bios?

It might be listed as Intel VT, or if it were an AMD machine then AMD-V.
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Message 102690 - Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 13:48:44 UTC - in response to Message 102683.  

He says he runs VM's on that machine so that doesn't seem to be the issue.
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Profile dcdc

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Message 102691 - Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 13:58:18 UTC

So is the main OS Windows? And then you run some Linux VMs?

If so, is #4 here relevant?
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 102693 - Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 14:56:12 UTC - in response to Message 102691.  

So is the main OS Windows? And then you run some Linux VMs?

If so, is #4 here relevant?

The main OS is Windows 10 Pro. Yes i run some linux vm and some old Windows VM (for some compatibility sw).
No, 4 is not relevant, cause if i'm able to start VM in VirtualBox:
- virtualization cpu is enable
- hyper-v is not installed, cause VirtualBox is incompatible with Hyper-V and VM cannot start
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 102695 - Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 17:46:30 UTC

It's not a VM issue. It is the need for a GPU for BOINC to offload some part of the crunching.
For example:
How do I enable AMD hardware acceleration?
To give it a go first, download the latest AMD drivers and the Windows 10 update. Then go to your PC's graphics settings, the easiest way to do this is by pressing the Windows key and searching for "Graphics settings". You'll then see the option to turn hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling on

While hardware acceleration can be defined as pretty much any task that’s offloaded to something that isn’t the CPU, GPUs and sound cards are typically the most popular examples used throughout your software. Your CPU alone is technically capable of anything that these devices can do, especially if it boasts integrated graphics (as many do nowadays) but allows specialized hardware to do the job as typically the better option.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 102696 - Posted: 18 Sep 2021, 20:12:00 UTC
Last modified: 18 Sep 2021, 20:12:48 UTC

Here is something else that might be more directly related to you system:

If you at some point tried to run VirtualBox tasks with VT-x disabled BOINC remembers that. Right now the only way to make BOINC forget it is to edit one of its files.

First shutdown BOINC client, either select File -> Shutdown connected client or exit BOINC Manager and tell it to shutdown running science apps. Open Windows' Task Manager and make sure boinc.exe is not running.
Find BOINC's data directory, usually C:ProgramDataBOINC, and open client_state.xml file in Notepad (don't use other editors) and find the following line:


This comes directly from the BOINC website

Change the 1 to 0, save the file and restart BOINC. If the line is not in the file or it's already 0 you have some other problem.
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 102724 - Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 12:57:12 UTC - in response to Message 102695.  

It's not a VM issue. It is the need for a GPU for BOINC to offload some part of the crunching.
For example:
How do I enable AMD hardware acceleration?
To give it a go first, download the latest AMD drivers and the Windows 10 update. Then go to your PC's graphics settings, the easiest way to do this is by pressing the Windows key and searching for "Graphics settings". You'll then see the option to turn hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling on

Rosetta does NOT use gpu acceleration.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 102729 - Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 17:45:32 UTC - in response to Message 102724.  

It's not a VM issue. It is the need for a GPU for BOINC to offload some part of the crunching.
For example:
How do I enable AMD hardware acceleration?
To give it a go first, download the latest AMD drivers and the Windows 10 update. Then go to your PC's graphics settings, the easiest way to do this is by pressing the Windows key and searching for "Graphics settings". You'll then see the option to turn hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling on

Rosetta does NOT use gpu acceleration.

Yeah I figured that out later, but after I posted this, the server locked and I couldn't delete it.
But that was from a general Boinc page. Anyway..we know this isn't the case.
Anyway..I'm out of ideas, Sid has made an email to Baker Lab, so you just have to wait.
There is nothing more we can do about it.

You could ask Mikey (if hes on here anywhere) or Sid how to make a app_config file that excludes Python projects for the time being. Then you can work on 4.2 tasks which now total more than 11,000
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Profile dcdc

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Message 102731 - Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 18:10:36 UTC

There are a few issues with running VirtualBox tasks as I see it:

1) R@H has been run very "light-touch" in terms of news and feedback over the last few years. I think it's probably the worst-run major BOINC project. Things are definitely worst since Mod.Sense hasn't been around. Personally, I can forgive the project for that to some extent because of the work that they are doing. But I have no doubt the project could be much bigger with a little bit of input, news and feedback. Why is that an issue for VirtualBox tasks? Because they don't run like "normal" BOINC tasks do - e.g. they can't run under a service account. We have seen a huge amount of wasted traffic over the last few days because a batch of work has been released that has a 2GB download with a bad hash, causing it to fail every time.

2) VirtualBox tasks can't run on all BOINC systems. I would guess significantly less than half of machines.

3) #2 is made worse, because BOINC is not well set up for telling users whether it can run VirtualBox tasks or not. It doesn't give much information about whether VirtualBox tasks are likely to work on the machine.
E.g. BOINC should flag up that:
a) you're running BOINC as a service, and so VirtualBox isn't available. Or potentially create a work-around to allow BOINC to run under a dedicated user-account prior to login?
b) virtualisation isn't enabled in the BIOS

What can we do about it? Well, here are the things that I know of that are required to run Vbox tasks:
1) VirtualBox requires virtualisation extensions to be enabled in the BIOS. Many machines won't have those enabled by default. You can enable them by restarting your computer, going into the BIOS, and enabling virtualisation (VT-x or AMD-V, but there also might be other virtualisation options to enable too).
To check in Windows, open Task Manager and look under the Performance tab. It should say "Virtualisation: Enabled" in the bottom-right column.

2) Make sure your computer runs BOINC under a local account

3) Have lots of RAM available. The tasks seem to use a small amount (~30MB) for a long time, and then ramp up RAM requirements significantly at the end, although I haven't confirmed that yet.

Have I missed anything?
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 102732 - Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 19:06:23 UTC - in response to Message 102731.  

4) Have I missed anything?

No, great post.
Until on of admins will resolve the MD5 problem, we can only wait.
But i think at a lot of time, traffic and posts we wasted
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Profile dcdc

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Message 102738 - Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 22:38:28 UTC - in response to Message 102732.  

Until on of admins will resolve the MD5 problem, we can only wait.
But i think at a lot of time, traffic and posts we wasted

I agree, but even when that is fixed most computers won't be able to run the vbox tasks, without some manual intervention that most people won't know to do.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 102740 - Posted: 19 Sep 2021, 23:41:04 UTC - in response to Message 102738.  

Until on of admins will resolve the MD5 problem, we can only wait.
But i think at a lot of time, traffic and posts we wasted

I agree, but even when that is fixed most computers won't be able to run the vbox tasks, without some manual intervention that most people won't know to do.

I've been running LHC ATLAS for a year or two now. Once you get VBOX and the extension pack installed, its pretty hands off with only the rare clean up of the virtual environment.

There needs to be a locked thread that outlines what needs to be done and how for VM tasks.
A guy in ATLAS wrote out a checklist of what is required to make ATLAS tasks run on VM.
It includes mobo setup (virtualization) and other information.
Make something like that here and that eliminates a lot of repetitive answers to the same question.
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Sid Celery

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Message 102747 - Posted: 20 Sep 2021, 1:23:53 UTC - in response to Message 102731.  

Things are definitely worst since Mod.Sense hasn't been around.

This is the one I personally think has made most difference. We didn't know how lucky we were.

I'm not sure how I got given the contact details, and while I'm prepared to open my big mouth on occasion, I also didn't want to abuse the privilege as on a lot of things I'm out of my depth - the entire VM thing I'm a literal dunce - plus I work away from home for half of every week since 2007, so I'm not always in the greatest position to realise when a nudge is needed.

But since it became obvious we lost the good services of Mod.Sense I'm prepared to put my head above the parapet when needed. And this is certainly one of those times
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Message 102752 - Posted: 20 Sep 2021, 8:23:31 UTC - in response to Message 102747.  

Thanks Sid for stepping in as the new Mod. Sense contact.

Us old hands know the RAH has always been a minimalist project.
When DEK was around, things ran well and IT issues were fixed pretty fast.
MOD Sense took over that roll and had insides contacts it would seem at the project.

RAH has a rotating staff since it is Graduate students that come up with the tasks and there never seems to be one that speaks up as a IT person. I don't think Dr. Baker knows anything about IT and leaves it to others to deal with.

If Mikey is around, we should see if he can be like a guy over at ATLAS named Yeti who wrote up a few documents on stuff like Vbox requirements and other common tech issues.
We could use him and you for IT things.

I understand the basics of Vbox since I have been using it for a few years with ATLAS. A lot of information is over there regarding Vbox issues. But honestly, once you have it installed and your virtualization on, it takes care of itself. On occasion things get gummed up with old files, but BOINC will put a note next to the task(tasks) that are trying to use Vbox and say that the virtual environment needs to be cleaned, which just means opening Vbox and deleting a bunch of files that got left behind, which is easy enough to do.

This issue with MD5 is something that we finally narrowed down to Seattle, but it would have been nice if they would have said something.

Anyway....thanks for stopping by and stepping in a bit.
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Sid Celery

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Message 102766 - Posted: 21 Sep 2021, 0:25:18 UTC - in response to Message 102752.  

If Mikey is around, we should see if he can be like a guy over at ATLAS named Yeti who wrote up a few documents on stuff like Vbox requirements and other common tech issues.
We could use him and you for IT things.

When things stabilise and that doc gets written, I'll jump on the bandwagon. Not a minute before.

You do realise you're writing this thing, don't you?
Maybe not now, but eventually...

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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 102775 - Posted: 21 Sep 2021, 7:43:40 UTC - in response to Message 102766.  

If Mikey is around, we should see if he can be like a guy over at ATLAS named Yeti who wrote up a few documents on stuff like Vbox requirements and other common tech issues.
We could use him and you for IT things.

When things stabilise and that doc gets written, I'll jump on the bandwagon. Not a minute before.

You do realise you're writing this thing, don't you?
Maybe not now, but eventually...

Lol up ADMIN and have him write it. It's his baby. :))
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Message 104367 - Posted: 21 Jan 2022, 18:49:18 UTC

Hey guys, i'm new to the whole R@H, used to do a lot of Seti before they shutdown and have been doing Uni@home until they moderator for that had to be hospitalized. I was having this issue and it looks like it's been solved for me. What's interesting, the solution was concurrent with an issue I was having with BlueStacks. The moment I followed this solution for getting BS to run, it work also for R@H and I'm now no longer getting the notice from the server and I have active Python tasks in my list. Here is the BS fix I followed:, As soon as I unchecked the additional two features Virtual Machine Platform and Windows Subsystem for Linux the notice went away and I started getting the python tasks. Don't know if this will work for everyone, but figured I add in my recent experience.
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David Dwight Brown

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Message 104540 - Posted: 28 Jan 2022, 2:52:29 UTC

I have BOINC and Virtualbox installed on a Dell Optiplex 7010, running WIndows 10 Pro X64 with 24GB of RAM.

I have recently been seeing the message under BOINC for Rosetta that I don't have Virtualbox installed.

Since this is totally incorrect and I use VB to run other virtual sessions, why would Rosetta tell me I don't have VB running?
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Profile dcdc

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Message 104543 - Posted: 28 Jan 2022, 7:30:53 UTC - in response to Message 104540.  

I have BOINC and Virtualbox installed on a Dell Optiplex 7010, running WIndows 10 Pro X64 with 24GB of RAM.

I have recently been seeing the message under BOINC for Rosetta that I don't have Virtualbox installed.

Since this is totally incorrect and I use VB to run other virtual sessions, why would Rosetta tell me I don't have VB running?

BOINC can only access VBox if BOINC Is not installed as a service, unfortunately. Might that be it?
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