my futile endevour to recruit

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Daniel Kohn

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Message 56315 - Posted: 10 Oct 2008, 14:18:02 UTC - in response to Message 56281.  

In the last few days, I found email addresses for about half a dozen blogs, charities or research groups related to cancer, and told all of them about the three BOINC projects I've found that are working on cancer research.

No word yet on which of them decided to do anything about it.

Awesome! Good idea. See if any of them are sponsored by a famous Hollywood type. That could be our ticket :)
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Profile robertmiles

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Message 56322 - Posted: 10 Oct 2008, 22:02:30 UTC - in response to Message 56315.  
Last modified: 10 Oct 2008, 22:07:08 UTC

In the last few days, I found email addresses for about half a dozen blogs, charities or research groups related to cancer, and told all of them about the three BOINC projects I've found that are working on cancer research.

No word yet on which of them decided to do anything about it.

Awesome! Good idea. See if any of them are sponsored by a famous Hollywood type. That could be our ticket :)

These articles may help convince some people:

If you know of any cancer research programs, you may want to ask them if they qualify for any of these sources of grants:

An article on brain cancer research:

A medical school where you may want to check for people in specific types of cancer research:
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Profile robertmiles

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Message 56328 - Posted: 11 Oct 2008, 2:55:09 UTC

Do you know a child with cancer? This childhood cancer web site may need some convincing from other participants in BOINC projects aimed at cancer.
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Profile robertmiles

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Message 57525 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 2:29:01 UTC - in response to Message 56328.  

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Profile robertmiles

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Message 57526 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 2:51:32 UTC

So far, I've gotten responses from 6 people indicating they intended to start, although I've only seen one of them create an account I recognized. One didn't live long enough to get an internet connection. One plans to do the translations of Rosetta@home into a new language, which should help even more people join.

That doesn't count at least two people I think I convinced to come back to Rosetta@home after the current fileserver and minirosetta 1.40 problems are over.
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Message 57529 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 3:08:39 UTC - in response to Message 55214.  

I can't convince ANYONE to run any of these protein folding apps. I must be doing it wrong. Or maybe people just don't care about finding a cure for disease until it happens to them.

I encountered one such argument where I was told he'd rather donate the money directly to Folding@Home than to pay the electricity bill to run it on his own computer. I'm looking to forming a reasonable argument against that.

I encountered another argument, that the CPU will run hotter. unfortunately this is somewhat true. Newer CPUs have SpeedStep that will reduce the voltage when not in use automatically. I'm not sure how to justify.

Would he rather have Folding@Home spend most of the money on buying computers, since they're significantly more expensive than the electricity required?

I'm thinking of participating in the beta testing of one of the programs to control temperatures in computers, to see if that will give me the chance to add or at least suggest adding the ability of the program to control the percentage of wall clock time BOINC can use, as well using its present ability to adjust the speeds of the fans.
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Profile robertmiles

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Message 57530 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 3:17:55 UTC

I'm thinking of giving one of the local computer stores instructions about how to join a few projects such as Rosetta@home, along with the information that people who become interested in such projects tend to have an increased desire to buy more computers, more memory, and so on. Think that will help?
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Profile rochester new york

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Message 57542 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 12:42:09 UTC - in response to Message 57530.  

it would be a good idea to set rosetta@home up at a health or science fair

I'm thinking of giving one of the local computer stores instructions about how to join a few projects such as Rosetta@home, along with the information that people who become interested in such projects tend to have an increased desire to buy more computers, more memory, and so on. Think that will help?

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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 57548 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 15:09:53 UTC - in response to Message 57542.  
Last modified: 3 Dec 2008, 15:10:58 UTC

problem is exhibition space cost if it is any type of a good event.
try and see if some of the local computer clubs might be interested in joining.
put some posters up around the health and computer sciences area of a college in your area. those are also possibilities of attracting the kind of people that might have a interest in Rosetta.

it would be a good idea to set rosetta@home up at a health or science fair

I'm thinking of giving one of the local computer stores instructions about how to join a few projects such as Rosetta@home, along with the information that people who become interested in such projects tend to have an increased desire to buy more computers, more memory, and so on. Think that will help?

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Profile rochester new york

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Message 57555 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 17:01:24 UTC - in response to Message 57548.  

one could keep it at a high school or collge level..

problem is exhibition space cost if it is any type of a good event.
try and see if some of the local computer clubs might be interested in joining.
put some posters up around the health and computer sciences area of a college in your area. those are also possibilities of attracting the kind of people that might have a interest in Rosetta.

it would be a good idea to set rosetta@home up at a health or science fair

I'm thinking of giving one of the local computer stores instructions about how to join a few projects such as Rosetta@home, along with the information that people who become interested in such projects tend to have an increased desire to buy more computers, more memory, and so on. Think that will help?

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Profile robertmiles

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Message 57691 - Posted: 8 Dec 2008, 0:03:17 UTC - in response to Message 57526.  

So far, I've gotten responses from 6 people indicating they intended to start, although I've only seen one of them create an account I recognized. One didn't live long enough to get an internet connection. One plans to do the translations of Rosetta@home into a new language, which should help even more people join.

That doesn't count at least two people I think I convinced to come back to Rosetta@home after the current fileserver and minirosetta 1.40 problems are over.

Now seven people; the new one has more than one computer.

Also, I noticed that the project expects to run short of workunits later this month, and suggested Rosetta@home as a good choice of where to get workunits to fill in since it does some work on malaria.
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Message 57740 - Posted: 9 Dec 2008, 12:04:10 UTC - in response to Message 57530.  

I'm thinking of giving one of the local computer stores instructions about how to join a few projects such as Rosetta@home, along with the information that people who become interested in such projects tend to have an increased desire to buy more computers, more memory, and so on. Think that will help?

The problem I have encountered is the lack of interaction once Boinc is up and running. So unless you can setup some friendly, even not so friendly is okay, competition, the interest will lag quickly. IMHO. Some computer stores use Boinc as a test for the pc they build, running it at full power for a period of time serves as a good burn in.
At Universities you could even do it between fraternities, or other groups like departments or whatever.
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Message 57741 - Posted: 9 Dec 2008, 12:07:19 UTC - in response to Message 55278.  


I encountered one such argument where I was told he'd rather donate the money directly to Folding@Home than to pay the electricity bill to run it on his own computer. I'm looking to forming a reasonable argument against that.

I bought one of these to measure how much power the systems in my "crunch farm" are using.

The two dual core boxes (E2200s) draw 80 watts each, while the two Celeron systems draw 110 watts. These are scheduled to be replaced, I'm planning on building a couple of quad core boxes.

80 watts means a unit of electricity (one KWh) every 12 hours, or two units a day. Since I pay 13 cents / KWh, this works out to about a quarter a day for each of the dualies, and maybe 35 cents / day for each of the Celerons. Put this another way. If I turned off all four crunch systems, it wouldn't even pay for a daily latte from Starbucks.

I had 22 pc's crunching for Boinc this past summer...electric bill hit $500.00US before my wife screamed enough for me to turn a few off. I am now at around $300.00 a month and 15 pc's. Most are dual cores but some are older single core machines, and a couple are quad cores. They are also mostly 2ghz or above except for a laptop.
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Message 57759 - Posted: 9 Dec 2008, 23:36:24 UTC - in response to Message 57741.  

I tip my hat to you, sir.

I thought my 4 pc's and 3 PS3's (with 3 more quadcores on the way) were enough...

I had 22 pc's crunching for Boinc this past summer...electric bill hit $500.00US before my wife screamed enough for me to turn a few off.

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Message 57771 - Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 12:20:23 UTC - in response to Message 57759.  
Last modified: 10 Dec 2008, 12:20:52 UTC

I tip my hat to you, sir.

I thought my 4 pc's and 3 PS3's (with 3 more quadcores on the way) were enough...

I had 22 pc's crunching for Boinc this past summer...electric bill hit $500.00US before my wife screamed enough for me to turn a few off.

"Enough" is a relative thing, what is enough for me may be waaaay to many for others and still not near enough for others still. I work on friends pc's and they either give me money or their old hardware. I then make their old hardware work for Boinc only, so if it crashes it makes no difference, or set it up as a Linux machine and donate it to the foster kids at my work. Either way the machine keeps working, if it is fast enough, say 2 ghz for me to keep, less than 2 but more than 1 ghz to donate. Less than 1 ghz I part out and put the junk on the curb. If my friends give me money I then buy new parts and make my own pc's, using the parts from other pc's. I do buy new parts, but that is usually limited to cpus, motherboards, memory and lately video cards. I still do not have a video card that I can crunch with though! I look for specials and sale items, I bought 2 fully working, brand new pc's for $200.00US apiece a couple of years ago. I added memory and swapped out the cpu for a dual core and one now crunches and if I could get my son to crunch at school the other would too. I have been looking for a cheap PS3, for the blu-ray for my wife, and the cruncher for me, but they are still out of my price range right now. I will be upgrading my older single core machines to dual core, or better, ones hopefully this coming year. I saw where a quad core Intel was $185.00 retail so it should be cheaper on sale. I like AMD too though, so whatever can be had cheapest works for me. I do go to the computer shows in my area, Northern Virginia, and they do have some good prices sometimes. On line is okay with me too, I do not like rebates though!!! Oh well keep crunching and have a nice day.
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Message 57775 - Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 16:24:02 UTC - in response to Message 57771.  

I go back and forth between NY and DC.

Found online (unfortunately, with rebates) to be best way of building up my crunchers.

Got a whole bunch of nVidia 9600's (gt's and gso's) in the $40 range after rebate. Can't touch that today for even twice that price.

Grabbed the new core i7 920 (msrp ~ $350, retail ~$300) for $225 online.

Think the days of good deals at computer shows are over.

"Usually" online is tax-free (a good thing on $100+ purchases) and free shipping.

Personally, if I have to pay for the electricity, i'd rather it be for a quadcore than an monocore.

I have a bunch of components, next time I'm down in DC, I actually have to start building with them...

I do go to the computer shows in my area, Northern Virginia, and they do have some good prices sometimes. On line is okay with me too, I do not like rebates though!!! Oh well keep crunching and have a nice day.

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Message 57802 - Posted: 11 Dec 2008, 11:57:49 UTC - in response to Message 57775.  

I go back and forth between NY and DC.

Found online (unfortunately, with rebates) to be best way of building up my crunchers.

Got a whole bunch of nVidia 9600's (gt's and gso's) in the $40 range after rebate. Can't touch that today for even twice that price.

Grabbed the new core i7 920 (msrp ~ $350, retail ~$300) for $225 online.

Think the days of good deals at computer shows are over.

"Usually" online is tax-free (a good thing on $100+ purchases) and free shipping.

Personally, if I have to pay for the electricity, i'd rather it be for a quadcore than an monocore.

I have a bunch of components, next time I'm down in DC, I actually have to start building with them...

I do go to the computer shows in my area, Northern Virginia, and they do have some good prices sometimes. On line is okay with me too, I do not like rebates though!!! Oh well keep crunching and have a nice day.

I agree on all points...that IS a heck of a deal on those video cards you got!!! I am jealous and wish I had the money to start buying again. Right now things are pretty slow and people are not paying me cash but in older pc's.

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Message 57805 - Posted: 11 Dec 2008, 15:23:38 UTC

you have any experience with building water-cooling and/or phase-change-cooling crunchers?
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Message 57813 - Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 11:30:58 UTC - in response to Message 57805.  

you have any experience with building water-cooling and/or phase-change-cooling crunchers?

No I have stayed away from water, a leak and all your money is wasted. As for phase-change, do you mean like Peltier things. Again no I have not used them, they are a bit too expensive for me. I saw one written up in a magazine the other day, 400 and some odd dollars!!! For just ONE cpu cooler!!!
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Message 57833 - Posted: 12 Dec 2008, 21:46:35 UTC

yeah, never done either, but the heatsinks for the intel quadcores are close to 1 kilogram (2 pounrds!), and there has to be a better way.

haven't done the peliter / tec yet, waiting for a good product.

but i have one of these lying around, and want to see if i can get it to work with the core i7.

been reading articles that thie i7 can go over 5GHz!
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