Crunchers, Crunching Gardens, Crunching Farms...

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Message 60572 - Posted: 9 Apr 2009, 13:38:21 UTC

Not yet a senior, but seem to be having a "senior moment", lol...

SOMEWHERE on the net (not like its a big place or anything), I saw a list of terms, and rough definitions, as to the different "categories" a Boinc'er could fall into.

i.e. something like:

Cruncher = 1 computer
Crunching Garden = 2-5 computes
Crunching Farm = 5-10 computers
Crunching ??? = 10+ computers

Did some quick searching on Yahoo, and didn't get any helpful hits.

Does anyone else know of, or where to locate (other Project's forums), these "definitions"?

Thanx !
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Message 60578 - Posted: 9 Apr 2009, 15:13:21 UTC
Last modified: 9 Apr 2009, 15:14:04 UTC

Me too... so I keep everything in a computer somewhere... now if only I could find the file! :)

Here's a post such as you are seeking.
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Message 60581 - Posted: 9 Apr 2009, 20:22:16 UTC

Ok, we're in agreement about:

crunching garden
crunching farm
crunching ranch

This is all I could find, as to approximate ranges for each:

here is a question!?!? (farms)

Thanx for the assist !
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Message 60665 - Posted: 16 Apr 2009, 10:52:14 UTC - in response to Message 60578.  

Me too... so I keep everything in a computer somewhere... now if only I could find the file! :)

Here's a post such as you are seeking.

Yup that was me making that post, I am STILL a rancher too! Although lately I have gone for quality instead of quantity. I have found that without a Server in your Ranch, when you get to 23 computers you start to have problems with your local workgroup pc's still talking to each other! I now have a Windows Home Server that I built that fixed that problem and game me the ability to backup a few pc's that I think are more critical than others. I am down to only a few single core crunchers now, mostly dual or quad core crunchers for me now. That means that the whole cruncher, gardener, farmer, rancher thing may have to be re-thought. How can you classify someone with two quad core machines as just a 'cruncher'? How about someone with a couple of I7 machines, that means they would have up to 16 cores crunching, can they STILL be just a 'cruncher'?
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Message 60668 - Posted: 16 Apr 2009, 15:58:43 UTC

my understanding, perhaps as counter-intuitive as it is, is that it IS the total number of crunchers themselves, regardless of the number of cores in each cruncher.

this is completely arbitrary, and I would agree that adherence to such a definition would potentially lead to some "undesirable" results.

which goes to your point, that the categorizations themselves may be meaningless.

but nonetheless, for those (if any) that DO find meaning in the categorizations, the definition stands, count of crunchers, not cores.
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Message 60689 - Posted: 17 Apr 2009, 11:06:11 UTC - in response to Message 60668.  

my understanding, perhaps as counter-intuitive as it is, is that it IS the total number of crunchers themselves, regardless of the number of cores in each cruncher.

this is completely arbitrary, and I would agree that adherence to such a definition would potentially lead to some "undesirable" results.

which goes to your point, that the categorizations themselves may be meaningless.

but nonetheless, for those (if any) that DO find meaning in the categorizations, the definition stands, count of crunchers, not cores.

Then I am still a rancher! I currently have 17 machines here at home crunching and in them I have 3 true quad core machines, one dual core that thinks it is a quad core due to HT on each core, 11 dual core machines and 2 single core machines. One of my dual core machines, my laptop, is only using one core though. My single core machines are slowly being replaced for at least dual core machines, quads if I can them cheap enough. I also have a machine here and there I work on that I add Boinc to for a day or so, just to get units and then set it to no new work, to test the machine before giving it back to its real owner. I fix pc's for friends and when they come to my home after repair I almost always torture test them with Boinc. That process is usually only one pc at a time though, and none at the moment.
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Message 60725 - Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 8:19:38 UTC - in response to Message 60689.  

my understanding, perhaps as counter-intuitive as it is, is that it IS the total number of crunchers themselves, regardless of the number of cores in each cruncher.

this is completely arbitrary, and I would agree that adherence to such a definition would potentially lead to some "undesirable" results.

which goes to your point, that the categorizations themselves may be meaningless.

but nonetheless, for those (if any) that DO find meaning in the categorizations, the definition stands, count of crunchers, not cores.

Then I am still a rancher! I currently have 17 machines here at home crunching and in them I have 3 true quad core machines, one dual core that thinks it is a quad core due to HT on each core, 11 dual core machines and 2 single core machines. One of my dual core machines, my laptop, is only using one core though. My single core machines are slowly being replaced for at least dual core machines, quads if I can them cheap enough. I also have a machine here and there I work on that I add Boinc to for a day or so, just to get units and then set it to no new work, to test the machine before giving it back to its real owner. I fix pc's for friends and when they come to my home after repair I almost always torture test them with Boinc. That process is usually only one pc at a time though, and none at the moment.

how much does it cost to power your ranch?
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Message 60730 - Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 13:02:23 UTC - in response to Message 60725.  

my understanding, perhaps as counter-intuitive as it is, is that it IS the total number of crunchers themselves, regardless of the number of cores in each cruncher.

this is completely arbitrary, and I would agree that adherence to such a definition would potentially lead to some "undesirable" results.

which goes to your point, that the categorizations themselves may be meaningless.

but nonetheless, for those (if any) that DO find meaning in the categorizations, the definition stands, count of crunchers, not cores.

Then I am still a rancher! I currently have 17 machines here at home crunching and in them I have 3 true quad core machines, one dual core that thinks it is a quad core due to HT on each core, 11 dual core machines and 2 single core machines. One of my dual core machines, my laptop, is only using one core though. My single core machines are slowly being replaced for at least dual core machines, quads if I can them cheap enough. I also have a machine here and there I work on that I add Boinc to for a day or so, just to get units and then set it to no new work, to test the machine before giving it back to its real owner. I fix pc's for friends and when they come to my home after repair I almost always torture test them with Boinc. That process is usually only one pc at a time though, and none at the moment.

how much does it cost to power your ranch?

I have an all electric home just South of Wash DC and spend just over $400.00 a month for electricity. My neighbors are in the upper $100's to low $200's for their bills. I have a 3 level Colonial style home with 4 bedrooms, 2 /2 baths, that is including a basement. I think electricity is about 6 1/2 cents per KWH, I have not checked awhile on the rate in awhile though.
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Message 60734 - Posted: 19 Apr 2009, 17:56:41 UTC - in response to Message 60730.  

my understanding, perhaps as counter-intuitive as it is, is that it IS the total number of crunchers themselves, regardless of the number of cores in each cruncher.

this is completely arbitrary, and I would agree that adherence to such a definition would potentially lead to some "undesirable" results.

which goes to your point, that the categorizations themselves may be meaningless.

but nonetheless, for those (if any) that DO find meaning in the categorizations, the definition stands, count of crunchers, not cores.

Then I am still a rancher! I currently have 17 machines here at home crunching and in them I have 3 true quad core machines, one dual core that thinks it is a quad core due to HT on each core, 11 dual core machines and 2 single core machines. One of my dual core machines, my laptop, is only using one core though. My single core machines are slowly being replaced for at least dual core machines, quads if I can them cheap enough. I also have a machine here and there I work on that I add Boinc to for a day or so, just to get units and then set it to no new work, to test the machine before giving it back to its real owner. I fix pc's for friends and when they come to my home after repair I almost always torture test them with Boinc. That process is usually only one pc at a time though, and none at the moment.

how much does it cost to power your ranch?

I have an all electric home just South of Wash DC and spend just over $400.00 a month for electricity. My neighbors are in the upper $100's to low $200's for their bills. I have a 3 level Colonial style home with 4 bedrooms, 2 /2 baths, that is including a basement. I think electricity is about 6 1/2 cents per KWH, I have not checked awhile on the rate in awhile though.

with all those heat generators you winter rate shouldnt be to bad.
summers going to get you i bet with air conditioning cost unless all your computers are in the basement.
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Message 60750 - Posted: 20 Apr 2009, 12:22:11 UTC - in response to Message 60734.  

I have an all electric home just South of Wash DC and spend just over $400.00 a month for electricity. My neighbors are in the upper $100's to low $200's for their bills. I have a 3 level Colonial style home with 4 bedrooms, 2 /2 baths, that is including a basement. I think electricity is about 6 1/2 cents per KWH, I have not checked awhile on the rate in awhile though.

with all those heat generators you winter rate shouldnt be to bad.
summers going to get you i bet with air conditioning cost unless all your computers are in the basement.

Most of mine are in the basement now but it still gets warm. last year I decided to turn a few off just to ease the heat generation a little bit, I also adjusted the vents a little bit. We will see how it goes this year, some may get turned off again. I have not turned the a/c on this year yet, the other day it was in the 60's outside but in the high 70's in my basement. I even had a window open and a couple of fans blowing the air around! I am working on getting a screen door for my walk out basement door, that will keep the bugs out and let me open it for better circulation. Basement windows are tiny and waaaay up high!
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Message 60754 - Posted: 20 Apr 2009, 15:36:25 UTC

Please be gentle, still a "work (very much) in progress", but for me and my S/O Melissa...

This is what keeps our apartment warm in the winter
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Message 60762 - Posted: 21 Apr 2009, 10:23:35 UTC - in response to Message 60754.  

Please be gentle, still a "work (very much) in progress", but for me and my S/O Melissa...

This is what keeps our apartment warm in the winter

I like it! Be careful of the amps you are pulling on each circuit though. I had to run a new line just to keep my pc's from blowing the circuit everytime I plugged in the vacuum. I have a house, you say you have an apt, makes thing much more interesting!!
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Message 61434 - Posted: 28 May 2009, 18:09:28 UTC - in response to Message 60762.  
Last modified: 28 May 2009, 18:17:05 UTC

Please be gentle, still a "work (very much) in progress", but for me and my S/O Melissa...

This is what keeps our apartment warm in the winter

I like it! Be careful of the amps you are pulling on each circuit though. I had to run a new line just to keep my pc's from blowing the circuit everytime I plugged in the vacuum. I have a house, you say you have an apt, makes thing much more interesting!!

You'd be surprised.

I got a Killawatt meter from Ebay, and found that my crunch boxes are remarkably low power. The two Q6600 quads only take 110 W, or about an amp. So once I get up to eight crunch systems (planned target), that's still only about 8 amps, or sufficiently little that I could pull it from a single outlet.

My solution to the heat problem is to use physics, don't fight it. Crunchers are upstairs, we just move downstairs during the summer. Sure, the upper floor of the house is 15 degrees warmer than downstairs, but who cares if we're not up there.

BTW, with the eight (planned) dedicated crunchers, plus the four others that makes me just a rancher. ;) The four are two desktop machines (my wife's and mine), and our two notebooks. These are not dedicated crunchers, but are still left on 24/7 to crunch.

Currently at 4 crunch systems, but I've got two more in the works now. Gotta get a couple of cases from Ebay, and a couple of hard disks from Weird Stuff, but other than that I'm good to go.

Asus P5KPL-CM mobo, 2 GB ram (overkill), Q8200, and hard disk. That lot just doesn't draw that much power. That's probably more ram than I need, but it's so cheap nowadays, why not?
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Message 61444 - Posted: 29 May 2009, 10:07:05 UTC - in response to Message 61434.  

Please be gentle, still a "work (very much) in progress", but for me and my S/O Melissa...

This is what keeps our apartment warm in the winter

I like it! Be careful of the amps you are pulling on each circuit though. I had to run a new line just to keep my pc's from blowing the circuit everytime I plugged in the vacuum. I have a house, you say you have an apt, makes thing much more interesting!!

You'd be surprised.

I got a Killawatt meter from Ebay, and found that my crunch boxes are remarkably low power. The two Q6600 quads only take 110 W, or about an amp. So once I get up to eight crunch systems (planned target), that's still only about 8 amps, or sufficiently little that I could pull it from a single outlet.

My solution to the heat problem is to use physics, don't fight it. Crunchers are upstairs, we just move downstairs during the summer. Sure, the upper floor of the house is 15 degrees warmer than downstairs, but who cares if we're not up there.

BTW, with the eight (planned) dedicated crunchers, plus the four others that makes me just a rancher. ;) The four are two desktop machines (my wife's and mine), and our two notebooks. These are not dedicated crunchers, but are still left on 24/7 to crunch.

Currently at 4 crunch systems, but I've got two more in the works now. Gotta get a couple of cases from Ebay, and a couple of hard disks from Weird Stuff, but other than that I'm good to go.

Asus P5KPL-CM mobo, 2 GB ram (overkill), Q8200, and hard disk. That lot just doesn't draw that much power. That's probably more ram than I need, but it's so cheap nowadays, why not?

Sounds like a good choice to me!! I ran the extra circuit because I was popping the breaker everytime the vacuum got plugged in. Now it still pops, it is on its own circuit now, when I plug in more than 13 computers on the one circuit. I do have all the associated peripherals on that circuit too hub, etc, etc, etc.
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Message 61480 - Posted: 31 May 2009, 0:17:48 UTC - in response to Message 61444.  

Please be gentle, still a "work (very much) in progress", but for me and my S/O Melissa...

This is what keeps our apartment warm in the winter

I like it! Be careful of the amps you are pulling on each circuit though. I had to run a new line just to keep my pc's from blowing the circuit everytime I plugged in the vacuum. I have a house, you say you have an apt, makes thing much more interesting!!

You'd be surprised.

I got a Killawatt meter from Ebay, and found that my crunch boxes are remarkably low power. The two Q6600 quads only take 110 W, or about an amp. So once I get up to eight crunch systems (planned target), that's still only about 8 amps, or sufficiently little that I could pull it from a single outlet.

My solution to the heat problem is to use physics, don't fight it. Crunchers are upstairs, we just move downstairs during the summer. Sure, the upper floor of the house is 15 degrees warmer than downstairs, but who cares if we're not up there.

BTW, with the eight (planned) dedicated crunchers, plus the four others that makes me just a rancher. ;) The four are two desktop machines (my wife's and mine), and our two notebooks. These are not dedicated crunchers, but are still left on 24/7 to crunch.

Currently at 4 crunch systems, but I've got two more in the works now. Gotta get a couple of cases from Ebay, and a couple of hard disks from Weird Stuff, but other than that I'm good to go.

Asus P5KPL-CM mobo, 2 GB ram (overkill), Q8200, and hard disk. That lot just doesn't draw that much power. That's probably more ram than I need, but it's so cheap nowadays, why not?

Sounds like a good choice to me!! I ran the extra circuit because I was popping the breaker everytime the vacuum got plugged in. Now it still pops, it is on its own circuit now, when I plug in more than 13 computers on the one circuit. I do have all the associated peripherals on that circuit too hub, etc, etc, etc.

you guys have a UPS or a small generator for when the power goes out?
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Message 61486 - Posted: 31 May 2009, 2:58:19 UTC
Last modified: 31 May 2009, 2:58:37 UTC

back on east coast. all crunchers re-started. rac should begin to climb.

mikey, how are you at h/w diagnostics? think i have bad mobo on q9550 build, but it may be something easy (reset bios/cmos on used mobo) ?
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Message 61499 - Posted: 31 May 2009, 11:51:57 UTC - in response to Message 61480.  

Please be gentle, still a "work (very much) in progress", but for me and my S/O Melissa...

This is what keeps our apartment warm in the winter

I like it! Be careful of the amps you are pulling on each circuit though. I had to run a new line just to keep my pc's from blowing the circuit everytime I plugged in the vacuum. I have a house, you say you have an apt, makes thing much more interesting!!

You'd be surprised.

I got a Killawatt meter from Ebay, and found that my crunch boxes are remarkably low power. The two Q6600 quads only take 110 W, or about an amp. So once I get up to eight crunch systems (planned target), that's still only about 8 amps, or sufficiently little that I could pull it from a single outlet.

My solution to the heat problem is to use physics, don't fight it. Crunchers are upstairs, we just move downstairs during the summer. Sure, the upper floor of the house is 15 degrees warmer than downstairs, but who cares if we're not up there.

BTW, with the eight (planned) dedicated crunchers, plus the four others that makes me just a rancher. ;) The four are two desktop machines (my wife's and mine), and our two notebooks. These are not dedicated crunchers, but are still left on 24/7 to crunch.

Currently at 4 crunch systems, but I've got two more in the works now. Gotta get a couple of cases from Ebay, and a couple of hard disks from Weird Stuff, but other than that I'm good to go.

Asus P5KPL-CM mobo, 2 GB ram (overkill), Q8200, and hard disk. That lot just doesn't draw that much power. That's probably more ram than I need, but it's so cheap nowadays, why not?

Sounds like a good choice to me!! I ran the extra circuit because I was popping the breaker everytime the vacuum got plugged in. Now it still pops, it is on its own circuit now, when I plug in more than 13 computers on the one circuit. I do have all the associated peripherals on that circuit too hub, etc, etc, etc.

you guys have a UPS or a small generator for when the power goes out?

i have several UPS's but the batteries are several years old now and don't last very long. I have underground utilities where I live and the power rarely goes out.
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Message 61500 - Posted: 31 May 2009, 11:56:49 UTC - in response to Message 61486.  
Last modified: 31 May 2009, 11:58:04 UTC

back on east coast. all crunchers re-started. rac should begin to climb.

mikey, how are you at h/w diagnostics? think i have bad mobo on q9550 build, but it may be something easy (reset bios/cmos on used mobo) ?

Unfortunately I am not very good, but please ask away I could get lucky!
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